Frederick W. Biele
Frederick emigrated from Hanover, Germany and settled in New York City where he married Elizabeth from Hesse Cassel, Germany. According to the 1900 census Frederick came to America in 1845. He was naturalized as a US Citizen in 1848
The first listing for Frederick is in the 1862 edition of Trow's Directory (see NYC Directories ) He occupation is most often listed as a cabinet maker or a casket maker and lived primarily in lower Manhattan throughout his life.
A summary of the family from the census records and other records is as follows:
Name Birth Date* Birth Place Died Relation
Frederick W Dec 1819 Hannover, Germany April 6 1901
Elizabeth ~1830 Hesse, Germany Wife
William Sept 1847 New York City Son
Edward Nov 1849 New York City Nov. 8, 1918 Son
Louise Feb 1865 (or 63) New York City Daughter
Mary Feb 1865 (or 63) New York City Daughter
Charles Feb 1866 (or 65) New York City Nov. 20, 1918 Son
Margaret Aug 1867 New York City Wife of Charles
Elizabeth Aug 14 1900 New York City Daughter of Charles
* there are conflicts in the dates from different census records
This Biele family branch seems to have been short lived. The last listing I know of for this family is the 1930 census that just lists Charles' wife Margaret, now a widow, living with her daughter Elizabeth who is single working as a sales clerk in a department store. William and Edward do not seem to have ever married.
Charles and Edward died just a few days apart in 1918 and had notices printed in the New York Times:
BIELE - On Nov 8, Edward C. Services "The Funeral Church" Broadway, 66th St, (Campbell Building) Sunday 10 A.M. Internment Private
Charles Biele, a coffee importer of 276 West Broadway, died yesterday at his home, 464 Riverside Drive of heart disease, in his fifty forth year. He was born in New York.
Of note, Charles Biele is listed as a coffee merchant in the NYC directories and the Census. Several years ago, I purchased a coffee pot off Ebay that is stamped on the bottom - CAFE SAVOY - COFFEE - CHARLES BIELE, New York.
A page on Charles Biele can be found on the Biele Family Blog