544 / 310 E 164th St. Bronx, NY - Home of Charles F Biele Family

From around 1895 to 1915, the family of Charles F. Biele lived at 310 East 164th Street in the Bronx. The house faced 164th Street and on the right side College Avenue. The house number was originally 544 E. 164th Street and sometime between 1905 and 1910 it changed to 310 E. 164th.

The date the house was built is unknown.  The house next door at 312 East 164th Street is listed online as built in 1901.  The first NYC directory listing is 1895. 

1900 Census – 544 164th – Charles F Biele (46), Fredericka (43), Charles (22), Alma (15), Edward (13), Frida (9)

1910 Census – 310 164th -  Charles F. Biele (56), Fredericke (54), Edward (23), Frieda (20)

The last NYC directory to list a Biele at this address is 1915. 

​By the 1920 Census the Bieles had moved elsewhere

This notice from the NY Times on Aug 1 1895 reports the construction of a stable on College Avenue south of 164th by Charles F. Biele. 

Just after this notice there was an article in the New York Herald about the reported suicide of Charles F. Biele's father in law on the property. 

The date of this photograph is unknown, though the address is 554, so presumably before 1910.  Note there is no stone wall around the property as in later photos. 

The date of this photo is unknown.  There is now a stone wall.  

The following is written on the back of the photo:

 “Home of

Mr and Mrs Charles F Biele

544 now 310 E. 164 St – Bronx N.Y City

Corner of College Ave” 

The following is written on the back of the photo:

“Home of Mr and Mrs Charles F Biele

544 now 310 E164 St Bronx NY City

Rear view of house and barn” 

During 1940, the city government pictures of all buildings to appraise real property for taxation purposes. Here is the photo for 310 East 164th.  Note there are power lines in the photo.  

Today there is no trace of the original structures and they have been replaced by a brick apartment building that was built in 1998.

This is the overhead view (the Biele house and stable were on the corner that the large grey roofed building now occupies) 

The property is just 8 blocks from Yankee Stadium (less than a mile) which first opened in 1923.